
Author: Jamie Arkin


7 Healthy Habits of a Performing Artist

The life of a performing artist, whether you are an actor, dancer, musician or model is full of adventure and creativity; but there are a few practices that make the journey a little easier. Here are 7 healthy habits of a performing artist. 1) Practice Makes Perfect Behind every performing artist are typically years of training and work developing their craft. Whether you are an actor, dancer, or singer, studying your craft is the only way to continue to grow and stay relevant. 2) Marketing Yourself Talent without exposure is the recipe for a...

A Laker Girl Reflects on her Career

There are things in life, which we achieve and feel proud of and there are those things that leave a mark and in some way shape our destiny. I guess with Kobe Bryant retiring from basketball after 20 years, I felt it was a good time to share my story. I had the fortune of dancing for the The Los Angeles Lakers basketball team for 2 years, beside the Black Mamba when he first joined the team at 19 and was simply referred to as Kobe. As a NBA Cheerleader,...

Reclaiming Your Passion

As an artist we are fueled by creativity. It is necessary to survive, like the air we breathe. But, so often I meet people who feel creatively stifled. No longer inspired or in touch with their inner joy and in turn have given up. Having experienced times in my own life where I felt stuck, I searched for the answer as to why we loose touch with the very thing that brings us so much happiness and fulfillment. How to reclaim your passion!...

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The American Spokesmodel Diet

People always ask me how I stay so thin. Aside from good genes, and years of professional dance, I eat to live not live to eat. I am a firm believer that you are what you eat so I watch carefully what I consume and know that with every choice is a consequence or reward. With a few simple steps and the right attitude you can live a healthy lifestyle and slim down to your desired weight. The Right Attitude Having the right mental attitude is the first key to success. You...