Casting A Dream
We all come into the world with a special gift, something we are destined to achieve and create. It should be our mission to bring these gifts to life and share them with the world. The problem is, it is easy to get caught up in the pressures of living and forget about our dreams, hopes and aspirations. I have been fortunate to have followed my dream throughout most of my life and found great happiness and fulfillment along the way. It is my passion now to give back and help others reclaim their passion and to cast their dreams.
Where It All Started
For as far back as I can remember I was always passionate about the performing arts. I am confident I arrived on this planet ready to perform. I loved to dance and sing for my parents when I was just a little girl. Michael Jackson and Olivia Newton John were on repeat in our home. Performing was an innate passion which they so graciously let me explore as a child. Little did I know then that this calling would guide me throughout my life, tugging at my heart strings and leading me down uncharted paths. It all started on the beautiful island of Oahu where my father was doing his medical residency and where I spent my first 8 years of life. Hawaii was such a beautiful place to grow up and I believe the sunshine and Ohana spirit was the perfect breeding ground for my creativity and inspiration as an artist.
I have found that our dreams are the fuel to achieve our goals and stay inspired through life’s ups and downs. Dreams have immense power when channeled for good. They are not just something floating in our subconscious mind while we sleep. A dream is what sets our soul on fire and gives us a motivation and passion for life. Think back to your childhood, what are the earliest dreams you had and explored with no limitations?
Why Now?
Timing is everything. I remember my father taking me to see ‘A Chorus Line’ the musical when I was living in Hawaii. I was mesmerized by the dancing and one big costume change at the end of the show where they performed the hit song “One”. I was too young to truly understand the storyline of the auditioning process and dancers journey, but a seed was planted at that show which would ultimately lead to a career path as a professional dancer and a life I had already imagined.
Our early years are when we are free to explore our creative ideas without being afraid. As we get older and have more life experiences we can find ways to think our way out of things we want by saying unproductive things to ourselves like “Oh, this is going to be too hard”, “I don’t have the time” or better yet ” I don’t know how?”. It’s almost like we are protecting ourselves from failure, before we even begin. The beauty of childhood is that there is little experience to deter us from trying something new. Remembering those early years when fear was not prevalent is so important when casting your dreams. What were your interests? What inspired you? What were your earliest memories of excitement as a child? You will be surprised how these early memories may have fueled your current endeavors and life goals. We are tremendously impacted by the things we think, experience and do. The thoughts and ideas that run through our mind have power and contribute to our current state and life.
What’s great is that it’s never too late to find those dreams which are within yearning to come to life. It may be an idea or a lofty goal which you may have pushed aside, but it’s never too early or late to dream. In fact it’s important to dream big, for our life is but an extension of what we envision it to be.
Let The Journey Begin
It’s not always easy to stay on course as we move through life, but I am here to help you focus on what is important to stay on track. I have fought hard to keep my dreams alive as I have moved through life and it has not always been easy. The truth is anything worth having is worth fighting for and you must stay motivated and go after it. Some of the greatest success stories have rough beginnings, but it’s not where you start but where you finish.
Creating a roadmap to success is vital in casting a dream, but first you must tap into that special something that will keep you inspired and driven as time goes by. If you can tap into the special gifts that you have to share with the world you will never loose course. We are built for greatness and it all lies within. Having the confidence & desire to follow your dreams is the first step. It’s time to let the journey begin.
What is something you loved to do as a child that you wish to pursue as an adult? Leave your answers in the comments below.
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